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Vianocny stromcek caka

Skusaju vsetko - "pozri , chces vianoce - mas ich mat aj v lete ..." hmmmmmmm no ale ja mam rad vianoce v zime ...

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Hello, I am Barrister Glen Otosu a Legal adviser to Dr.John. from your country who died in a gas explosion with your assistance as I will present you to the bank in my country where he deposited this sum before his untimely death including Gold as his next of kin since you have the same surname with him. I will also provide you with my support as his personal attorney with all legal back up papers,the deposit certificate which i will issue to you at the right time if you can work honestly with me to have this consummated successfully.I shall be waiting for your reply on my email address below for more detail information.My E-mail:( Yours in Service, Barrister Glen Otosu


No,ešte sa načaká...a neprezradíš kde to je :-)))


jo nemohol som ved to oni skusali ze vianoce a pod lakadla .... hm, vidis nestihol som im povedat ze vianoce bez darcekov ... ta asi som mal spomalene reakcie :)


hmm vidis dobry napad to ma nenapadlo ..


Mal si tam položiť aspoň nejaké "darčeky".